Though I am now what some would call a flexitarian (read: noncommitted vegetarian), I still occasionally.. OK, FREQUENTLY…enjoy bacon.
Continue reading “Don’t Burn the Bacon”The 52 Cups Challenge
“Are you tired? Worn Out? Burned out on religion?”
Do you struggle to read the Bible consistently, or even at all?
Have you been questioning the existence of God and long to hear the sound of God’s voice?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, the 52 Cups Challenge is for you. The 52 Cups Challenge is a low commitment, community-driven invitation to increase your intentionality with the Lord. Continue reading “The 52 Cups Challenge”
What’s Your Season?
How do hope and loss, pain and joy, grief and belief, coexist? I’ve been asking myself this question lately, mostly intrigued by the unavoidable tension it carries.
Continue reading “What’s Your Season?”A Word for Weary Souls…
It’s okay if you feel tired, lonely, and confused. Take a deep breath. You’re not alone. I’m right there with you.
Maybe you’ve recently lost your job or are tired of sitting home alone. Maybe you’ve begun to feel depressed and are weary of not knowing what comes next.
Whatever the case and wherever you are, I pray this post encourages your heart.
Continue reading “A Word for Weary Souls…”Australia (2019)
This October, I had the opportunity to visit a close friend in Sydney, Australia. The trip was amazing, and I’m sure one day I’ll write more about it, but for now, here are a few pictures!
Continue reading “Australia (2019)”